This is Caltera!

Caltera is a side (hobby) project I started during the Pandemic after I was not able to participate in Tabletop RPGs (TTRPG) due to social distancing. Heavily influenced and based on D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e, Caltera's ruleset is catered for both new and veteran TTRPG players.

Roll a 20-Sided Dice!

Rolling Dice

Roll the dice to see the result.

Who is responsible for this madness?

  • John Espino

    It'sa me! I had too much time over 2020 so I wrote a whole new rulebook. I like Tabletop gaming and RPGS, which translated to joining gaming meetups. This is how I found out about tabletop rpgs such as D&D and pathfinder, and all those other popular variations.

  • Ghost

    Here's a picture of my dog nephew c :

    He kept me sane during long writing sessions, while I was going through mental blocks!

Links and Resources

Challenge yourself to an in-game scenario!

You and your party fall into a trap and fall unconscious... You awake, not knowing how long you blacked out. The room is pitch dark, but each wall is not too far from it's opposition.

You approach one of the room's sides, and feel words engraved on the wall... It reads:

I am never ending hunger - My fury, blistering heat. I do not know what a touch might feel like, but in darkness I make shadows retreat.

The World of Caltera

[click to view the Kingdom of Garland!]

The Land of Caltera

The Land of Caltera, a massive landmass separated into 5 continents: Ogenus, Ielyn, Vrigel, Markha, and Avalia. Inhabited by people of different ancestries, the continent boasts a rich history, creatures of benevolent and malevolent intent, varying beliefs, and unaccounted treasures.